Richard Groß

ID der Startperson Person suchen Kreisdiagramm 1/2
Breite %

ERROR 2: imagettfbbox() [function.imagettfbbox]: any2eucjp(): something happen
0 Error occurred on in function imagettfbbox
1 called from line 254 of file fanchart.php in function print_fan_chart
2 called from line 518 of file fanchart.php

Warning: imagettfbbox() [function.imagettfbbox]: any2eucjp(): something happen in /users/ultro/www/hinueber/fanchart.php on line 254

ERROR 2: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: any2eucjp(): something happen
0 Error occurred on in function imagettftext
1 called from line 269 of file fanchart.php in function print_fan_chart
2 called from line 518 of file fanchart.php

Warning: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: any2eucjp(): something happen in /users/ultro/www/hinueber/fanchart.php on line 269
Richard Groß

Richard Groß Kreisdiagramm