Johann Wilhelm Schild + Maria Saskia Ha‎(a)‎se

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Johann Wilhelm Schild ‎(I273)‎
Birth Yes
Death Yes

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Maria Saskia Ha‎(a)‎se ‎(I274)‎
Birth 29 April 1743 -- Halle, Stadt Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, DEU
Death Yes
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Johann Andreas Ha‎(a)‎se ‎(I275)‎
Birth Yes
Death Yes

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Johanna Carolina Schild ‎(I240)‎
Birth 11 June 1780 37 -- Halle, Stadt Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, DEU
Death 14 July 1859 ‎(Age 79)‎ -- Halle, Stadt Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, DEU

Family Group Information   (F115)
Last Change 27 January 2007 - 14:20:08